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Een portret van Hidde Hartelust Een portret van Hidde Hartelust Een portret van Hidde Hartelust

Hidde Hartelust

Partner – since 2019

“Nothing could be better than helping companies and entrepreneurs to grow through hard work, to guide them through difficult times and then celebrate our joint success. We achieve this partly through our attitude. We really are there for each other, no matter what. We give and receive support, both in good times and bad. With us, it’s never every man for himself. That feels good, familiar and safe. In my opinion, the world would be a better place with a little less opportunism and selfishness.

Substantive analysis and argumentation are essential in this profession. All the same, sometimes I have definitely misjudged people. So what have I learned from that? It’s essential to remain critical! That, and to listen to my gut feeling. I won’t be ignoring that again any time soon.

Watching Ajax play in the Arena with my boys, running with my dog, cooking and eating with friends, children included. Those are the kinds of things I really like. In fact, I love them! Those are great days. Not to mention winter days when I wake up in Austria and summer days in southern Spain, where I let myself be warmed up in every respect – by the sun, the food and the culture.”
